Process CSS

When CSS Processing is enabled, fonts will be replaced directly within CSS files and style tags in HTML.

What is CSS Processing?

In WordPress, the correct way to add Google Fonts is by using what’s called enqueues. Not all developers will use enqueues though. Some may use a CSS feature called @import directly in a CSS file or an inline <style> tag. To convert these, CSS processing has to be enabled.

While it’s enabled by default, you can enable / disable it from:

  1. Go to Settings > Self-Hosted Google Fonts.
  2. Tick or untick Process CSS Files and Process Inline CSS as needed (explanation below).
  3. Save Settings and clear any cache.

Process Inline CSS

When enabled, the plugin will scan all <style> tags in the HTML and look for @import containing link to Google Fonts. It will then download them locally to your server and automatically replace the Google URL with a local URL.

Process CSS Files

This will scan all the HTML for all the local CSS files embedded in your HTML (remote CSS files are ignored), and look for @import containing link to Google Fonts.

Enabling CSS Processing requires more processing power. You can test if you really need it. If you don’t, it would be best to disable it.

Please note that nested CSS files via @import aren’t supported. It’s bad for performance and a bad practice and if a theme author does it, you should urge them to fix it.